Assignment Brief
This brief builds upon work undertaken for Interactive Environments module.Using appropriate 3D production software and reference from the Hull & East Riding Museum you are to produce an interactive environment(s) which shows how an object has moved from its original location, through time and distance, to the place where is was eventually found.
Journey Of The Roman Lamp
For this project we was giving the image of a roman lamp that can be found within the Hull & East Riding Museum and asked to create a story of how the lamp was made in Rome and travelled across Europe to end up in the museum.So as a group we started putting together a story board for the journey of the lamp.Also we thought it would be a good idea to visit the museum and take some pitures of the Roman arifacts to get us started for the research.
One of the first things was the research on Rome.
After a bit of research we got together and came up with a more defined timeline for the lamp which shows the time period, each scene and possible sounds for the environments.
Defined Research
Rather then researching everything and anything about Rome we decided to set each group member a more defined research into a certain category within the Roman period. I was given Interiors to research and set areas within my subject to find as much reference as possible :
After the group had collected a vast amount of research we decided to get a bigger picture of what we had found and put it into one space as a whole, here’s our work area.
Personal Work Comes In Handy...
One of the subjects the group discussed was what the image of the lamp represented and one of the ideas where that it looked similar to the roman god Mars. At the time I was currently working on some personal 3D work that involved projection mapping; which is a technique that takes a high polygon model and reduces it to a low polygon model. I took this opportunity to combine the two a work on a statue that represents the Roman god.
Played around in Photoshop with the lamp image to see how close of a resemblance the image was to the roman god Mars.
Working with a referance picture here is the work in progress for the statue
After a long progress I finally finished the model and learnt a valuable technique that will be a massive help in future modelling, also we then found out that the image wasn’t the god Mars but actually the goddess Minerva
Working The Scenes
The group had decided to begin the lamps lifecycle in the countryside within Rome and to be first located at the potters home where it would have been made. Using the research I came up with a quick concept of what the potter’s home may have looked like.
After getting the okay from the group I started to work on the concept more.

Using 3Ds Max I made a quick mock up of the concept to get a better perspective of the house. Then using Photoshop did a quick digital paint over to get a better idea of what the roman house may have looked like and what sort of colour style may have been used.
Working with the pervious mock up I had made I started working more on the finer details of the home
Once I was happy with the final model the next stage was the texturing. The group had decided that we wanted to try an keep the work as close to real life images as we could and textures would be more life like as possible.
After adding finer details to the texture the potter’s home is finally finished and ready to be imported into the game engine. During the time my other team member worked on the surrounding area around the potter’s home working from the earlier concept.
Final video